Monday, August 4, 2008

Have you seen this bug?

I don't know what they are, but every evening they swarm around the trees by our house and they are FREAKY! A brick is about 2 1/2 or 3 inches tall, so that gives you an idea how big this critter is. Usually during the day they disappear, but sometimes they like to hang out next to our front door all day! Yea! I know in the world of bugs this thing is probably nothing, but one of the reasons I love Utah is the major lack of freaky flying giant bugs!


Jenny said...

Congrats to Greg on the job! That's fantastic. Serge and I spent all day Saturday reading the new Twilight book together and neglecting our children (they were fed and watched (peripheral vision) and all, but not given nearly as much attention as usual. As for the bug, no idea- but I can empathise because we have large cicadas out here and they are super noisy.

Marie said...

okay Talia, I figured out what it is a ten-lined June beetle

Greg and Talia said...

Thank you, Marie! You've solved the great mystery. What I've read of the ten-lined June beetle says that they feed on coniferous trees, which explains why there are so many in the 2 big trees next to our house. They are aptly named because my neighbor who's been here for 6 years said they only come around in June and then disappear.