Friday, October 16, 2009

I told you so!

Greg and I are often accused of having perfect children, and no matter how much we try to convince people this is not true and that although our children are off-the-scale adorable, and very, very sweet, they are still human children, I think there are still some out there harboring this crazy belief.
So, to set the record straight, I will now update you on the last 3 days William and I have had. In the last 72 hours, my 2-year old has:

Colored with crayon on the walls
Colored with crayon on the furniture
Peed on the carpet (sorry Aaron and Lyndee)
Locked me out of the house
Thrown up in his bed
Decorated the love seat with lipstick
Refused to nap 2 out of 3 days, and
Thrown 3, 4, 5...(I've lost count) tantrums a day

That's just one kid! When anyone casually asks how I'm doing I feel like replying simply "I have a toddler." That explains everything. I know many of you have it even tougher. The other day I commented to some friends that children are sent to teach mothers patience. I should have added, "or send us to the nut house in the process!" Really, doesn't that sound like a nice break sometimes?
I know it won't solve all our problems, but I am counting the weeks (seven) until Greg can go back to his regular schedule and come home at 5:00 every night to bail me out!
(Side note: Isaac is such a sweet little guy, but I know someday he will also be 2 and will surely follow in his brother's footsteps. Then I'll have a pre-schooler AND a toddler. The madness!)


Karen said...

My parents always used to say "Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your kids". Funny part, I never understood what they were saying until I was also a parent. Hang in there....and okay, yes, I believe you that he's two! But he's still so dang cute!!!
Karen Roberts

Chantel said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I can totally relate, though because we have MANY days just like that here.

Jenny said...

LOL. Sometimes I think to myself that I am the one who needs a time out. Two minutes by myself with some quiet, how'd it be??

Chels said...

Oh my goodness! Are you sure an alien didn't invade Will's body?? I think he needs to go to the library with us this week! Tuesday or Wednesday??