Monday, March 16, 2009

... bleh...

We decided instead of inducing yesterday we would have my midwife Karen strip my membranes and see if that started anything. It didn't. Yay for Karen, though. She came to the clinic twice on a Sunday to do it, once at noon and once at 7:00 pm. Now that we are nearing the end, all those horrible contractions and cramps I had for 3 WEEKS that made everything almost unbearable are gone, so it's nice I'm not in pain anymore, but now how am I going to get this kid out?! His growth has slowed down so I'm not so panicked about his size and more willing to wait it out. A little. My midwife is amazed I haven't had him yet- everything looks so favorable she told us she didn't know what was holding him in. I guess this little boy just wants to come when he wants to come, which I guess is ok. As long as it's soon.

William decided enough waiting for the baby, he has a life to live. Go figure. He dressed himself up entirely on his own in this little get-up the other day. I think my little boy thinks he is a white rapper or something.


Heidi-n-Scott said...

HAHA that is such a cute picture of your son! :)
Hope the baby comes soon!!!

Roberts Fam'ly said...

Good luck! My sister is in the same boat, any day now. :) This last little time is hard.
By the way that picture of William is SO CUTE!

Jeannie said...

I am the same way, girl. My body doesn't know how to communicate with my growing fetus to GET THE HECK OUT!!!

Serge said...

love the outfit Will! Good luck with everything T! I'm sure things will go well when they do start. Good for you for holding off on the Pitocin for now.

Jared and Lauren said...

William is so cute! Good luck with everything

Malia said...

All I know is that you had your baby and I am happy for you that you are still alive...and happy for me (for now at least) that I wasn't you!

Can't wait for some pics!